Sunday, 30 March 2014

Week 9

Kia Ora and welcome to Room 15 for 2014.
All information relating to our class including homework tasks, newsletters, reminders, successes and much more can be found on this website.
This week is Week Nine. This week we have our Science night on Tuesday, which starts at 7pm and finishes at 8pm. It would be really good to see you and your families at the Science night. I am really proud of all of the work you have been doing over the past week with your Science experiments.
Our chocolate fundraiser finishes on Monday. ALL chocolate AND money MUST be returned as soon as possible.
On Thursday afternoon we have our school Triathlon. I am really proud that there are so many of you participating in this opportunity.
Please make sure that you are Organised Learners and have all of the equipment that you need for all of your learning at all times – this includes having your togs for swimming.
This year our PE days are Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Remember that from now on swimming will be on Tuesdays and Wednesdays ONLY and we will be doing Jump Jam and class PE sessions on Fridays. It is really important that you have your PE uniform on Fridays.
As Term One goes on we will be starting other PE lessons and you are required to wear your PE uniform for these sessions. We will also be going out for Activate on Mondays and Thursdays, which means that your PE uniform should be at school 5 days a week, every week!

Tasks are given out on Mondays and are expected to be completed and handed in on Fridays. You are expected to complete 30 minutes of homework EVERY night.
our tasks are due back by FRIDAY 4th April.

If you would like to contact me at school for any reason, you can email me at:
 Have an absolutely positive week J
Mrs Inskeep

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