We are now in Week Eight. This week we are still continuing with our Pie Drive. I hope you are all out there selling pies and lamingtons to friends, family and neighbours. Remember to use your manners when out selling. Make sure you are in your blue uniform and take someone with you so that you aren’t on your own. ALL MONEY AND ORDERS MUST BE IN TOMORROW (TUESDAY 6th JUNE)
Our trip is this Friday. Please be at school by 7.50am and meet in the gym. The bus will be leaving at 8am SHARP and we will NOT be waiting for anyone. If you are late then you will be staying at school.
Because we will be away on Friday, your homework will be due in on Thursday 14th June.
Student Led Conferences are being held in Week 10 on Tuesday 26th and Thursday 28th June. Thank you to those people who have let me know what time they would like to come in.
If you haven’t brought your forms in please do this as soon as possible. There are slips in the last two school newsletters which can also be found on the school website. I have also included a slip at the bottom of this page if you’d like to print it out or send a note with the day and time slot you’d prefer.
A great start to the term with lots of homework books being handed in. A reminder that you are meant to be spending 30 minutes each day completing your homework. Some of you are not meeting this expectation and if this continues there will be consequences. Be Organised Learners and earn yourselves positive consequences.
CONGRATULATIONS to Navi, Dilraj, Jackson, Chris, Ayden M, Joshua, Taylah, Mckeilah, Paige, Emma, Brooke, Fatima and Jenny for getting 100% in their Basic Facts test last Friday.
Congratulations to Paige for getting the quickest time.
Great work to Danielle, Florence, Brooke, Jasmine, Taylah, Owen and Aydian D for achieving their highest score this term in their Basic Facts test last week.
Well done to Florence for receiving last week’s academic koru for her efforts throughout the week.
A reminder for our returning Year 8’s to lead by example and make the most of all of the opportunities that Maeroa has to offer and for Year 7’s to experience as much as they can while they are at Maeroa.
PE and Activate
Our days for PE are Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays and we will be doing Activate on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Our expectation is that you will need to bring your PE uniforms every day. There will be consequences for those of you who choose to not meet this expectation.
This is very important over the next couple of weeks as we will be training for our school Cross Country every day so you will need your PE uniform!
Congratulations to those Organised Learners who always have their PE uniforms each time we have PE, your efforts are outstanding!
Homework is given out every week on a Monday and it is expected that homework is returned completed on Fridays. You are expected to complete around 30 minutes of homework every night.
If you would like to contact me at school via email my address is:
Have an awesome week
Mrs Inskeep
Mrs Inskeep
GOAL SETTING CONFERENCE SLIP – please return to the
class teacher as soon as possible.
I/We are available for a conference on: (please number times in order of priority)
Tuesday June 26th
12.15-1.15pm 1.15-2.45pm 2.45-4.00pm 4.15-5.45pm
Thursday June 28th
3.15-4pm 4.00-5.15 6.30-7.30 7.30-8.15
Child’s Name: ________________________ Rm: _______
Names and room numbers of other family members at this school: